Biscotteria é uma empresa de biscoitos e doces finos. A ID Visual e as embalagens foram construídas com ornamentações inspiradas na arquitetura de Petrópolis, cidade em que a marca nasceu.
Biscotteria is a company that produces fine cookies. The visual identity and packaging were designed with ornamentation inspired by the architecture of Petrópolis, the city where the brand was born.
Biscotteria is a company that produces fine cookies. The visual identity and packaging were designed with ornamentation inspired by the architecture of Petrópolis, the city where the brand was born.
Direção Criativa & Direção de Arte:
Rafael Eckhardt
Rafael Eckhardt
Nathalia Barbosa
Henry Kappaun
Manuela de Orleans
Nathalia Barbosa
Henry Kappaun
Manuela de Orleans